Course curriculum

  • 1

    Concepts & architecture

    • Service Mesh 101

    • Understanding TSB

    • TSB Architecture

  • 2

    Installation & environment

    • Management Plane installation

    • User & Command-Line interface overview

    • Labs environment

  • 3

    Cluster onboarding

    • Cluster onboarding overview

    • Cluster onboarding demonstration

  • 4

    TSB Resources

    • TSB Resources Model

  • 5

    Deploying Apps

    • Deploying applications overview

    • Deploying applications demonstration

  • 6

    Ingress Gateways

    • Ingress Gateways Overview

    • Ingress Gateways demonstration

  • 7

    Observability overview

    • Observability overview

  • 8

    Traffic Management

    • Traffic Management Overview

    • Demonstrate a canary deployment

  • 9

    Egress Gateways

    • Egress Gateways Overview

  • 10

    Tier 1 Gateways

    • Tier 1 Gateways Overview

    • Tier 1 Gateways Demonstration

  • 11


    • Cross-cluster Failover

    • Demonstrate failover

  • 12

    VM Workloads

    • VM Workloads Overview

    • VM Workloads demonstration

  • 13

    Mesh Public Key Infrastructure

    • Mesh PKI Infrastructure & Identity

    • Inspecting workload certificate chain

  • 14

    Security Settings

    • Security Settings in TSB

    • Demonstrate Security Settings

  • 15

    Direct Mode

    • Overview of Direct Mode

    • Demonstrate Direct Mode

    • Istio-Internal Groups

  • 16

    End-user Auth

    • End-user Authentication & Authorization

    • Demonstrate End-User Auth

  • 17

    External Authorization

    • External Authorization Overview

    • Demonstrate External Authorization

  • 18

    Web Assembly

    • Web Assembly in TSB

    • Demonstrate Use of WASM in TSB

  • 19


    • Permissions in TSB

    • Demonstrate use of Permissions in TSB

  • 20


    • GitOps & TSB overview

    • Demonstrate GitOps & TSB